Wednesday, May 21, 2008


ok I have had this pic awhile and I thought I would share it with you all....I am trying to figure out how I can apply this same concept in my own yard only build it myself..well more like sucker my man into it.... I mean I told him I will try anything once as long as he would right? right? so He is always more than eager to do something new as long as I am. I will wait for awhile before I attempt this one, right now though I'm trying to figure out where I want everything to go in the backyard so I have enough room to do what I want in the end. I am trying to draw up a set of plans since we do not want to pay a landscape architect....anyway just putting this pic out there if anyone has any advice on doing your own fireplace I would love to hear it....right now I think we will stick with a metal one though...I just love the rustic look and the overgrown plants and the appearance of a secret place...could the last owner have planted anything at all so I could have one plant that was full grown ;no....Ro

Monday, May 19, 2008


As you may have noticed we have not worked on the kitchen in awhile. We moved to the yard and have been working on a doughboy pool we bought used....and trying to get a garden 110 degree weather. Let me start by adding that when you buy a doughboy used you might want to measure it to make sure it is the size the current owner says it is..... because if not you will spend three weekends in the hot blazing sun only to discover the liner does not then you proceed to dig out all the layers of sand and plastic edging and then you move the sides in some more and move the ends in and bury it all again basically start over, and then it does not fit so you do it all over again. This is just an idea since we are living the nightmare currently....although at the end of last weekend we discovered that it is actually a 16x32 instead of a 14x31 since we called the store the lady bought it from and they still had her invoice thank after showering and sitting down for like an hour, then going to bed my hubby got up and drove 11 hours back to work in vegas. Thats where his current job is....huh yah so he has worked all week in the heat to come home and work in the heat again all weekend....I might add I think he is crazy, the sun has gotton to him for sure. no one in their right mind would attempt this, well someone suicidal which leads me to ask if maybe I should start worrying a bit,.. no really he is crazy ...Ro

Friday, May 9, 2008



I found a cool website I added to my page as it tells all about canning I believe she has simplified it so a canning dummy could use this site for their info...just thought I would pass it along as well as let u know that here on the farm we are conserving in every way although I never thought I would say that as we have been into prepackaged foods and lots of junk food lol and my son still goes through his junk food crazes and we still do junk food but I make alot more from scratch. I have realized that "cooking from scratch takes alot longer " is a misconseption !!! if I have to add milk and eggs and oil I might as well through flower in lmao.... anyway I am able to keep my pantry full this way as the prepackaged stuff goes about ten minutes after I get it Ro